Project Name: Localization of Simplified Chinese courses for Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 Brief: ● Screenshooting (More than 2800 Screenshots) Instructional SS (screenshot) capture using live software setup; Simulation SS capture using live software setup; ● SS optimization Optimisation of all SS ● Simulation Flashs optimization (More than 20 flashes) Optimisation of all Simulation Flashes ● Text integration (About 60 K words) Integration of content text into client development tool Synergy Integration of simulation text into SS into Flash 5 tool (for double byte languages i.e. Chinese) ● SS integration Integration of Instructional SS into client development tool Synergy Integration of simulation SS into Flash 5 tool (for double byte languages i.e. Chinese) ● Localised Build creation and QA Publishing and QA of the final localised build following completion of all tasks before hand-off (QA testing using previously provided client drop-in player). Languages: Simplified Chinese Engineering Applications: Paint Shop Pro 4, Flash 5, Photoshop 8.0, Windows Office PowerPoint 2007, Windows Vista and Skillsoft Course Development Tool (Synergy). Delivery Format: Zip Size: More than 2800 Screenshots, more than 20 Flashes, About 60K words Duration: 2 Months
Project Name: Html Help Compile, 8 languages Brief: ● 485 HTML files per language. ● Need to check the format of each html file and fix the format. ● RoboHelp compiling into 8 languages. Languages: Simplified Chinese/Dutch/French/German/Italian/ Poland/Portugues/Spanish Engineering Applications: RoboHelp X3, HTML Workshop Delivery Format: .chm Size: 485 html files per language Duration: 2 weeks
Project Name: PSPPX2 FrameMaker DTP and Help compiling DTP (2 .chm/.ini/.pdf) Brief: ● 2 manuals FrameMaker typesetting ● 2 helps compilation ● WebWorks compiling into 2 languages Languages: SC and TC Engineering Applications: WebWorks 7.0 Delivery Format: .chm, PDF, .fm Size: 828p per language Duration: 2 weeks
Project Name: Network Application Localization Brief: ● Software testing: SC/JP ● Screenshoting: SC/JP/KO ● Manual DTP: FrameMaker DTP into SC/JP/KO ● Help compiling: WebWorks compiling into SC/JP/KO Languages: SC/JP/KO Engineering Applications: FrameMaker, WebWorks, Hypersnap Delivery Format: .fm, PDF, HTML help Size: 40 hours screenshoting, 800p FM per language Duration: 1 month
Other major localization engineering projects we have finished recently: 1. HTML help compile into French, 1147 html file; ...